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First Date, Porter-Praskin Quartet

Porter-Praskin QuartetLarry Porter formed the quartet with Allan Praskin in 1982. Undergoing a number of transformations, it stayed together until 1993. In those eleven years, the group covered a huge amount of ground with a constantly evolving repertoire. Both musicians, being prolific composers, contributed an incredible palette of original compositions and explored literally hundreds of lesser-known standards. There was even a period of songwriting and vocal excursions by Porter. Their performances were marked by an intuitive communication and an almost childlike free-ness and fascination.

First Date was recorded when both Larry and drummer Aldo Caviglia were living in Barcelona, and the band was touring in Spain. Rocky Knauer is from Vancouver, Canada and was one of the first bass players Larry played with in Germany in the 70s.


Stream First Date on Spotify


Porter-Praskin Quartet¿Puedes oir
como la música nos envuelve,
llenando el aire con su vida?

¿Puedes ver
como las ondas de buenas vibraciones
juegan en la orilla de la vida?

¿Puedes sentir
como los lindos sonidos
van apaciguando el cuerpo y el espíritu,
el corazón y el alma?

¿Puedes imaginarte
como sería el mundo si todos pudieran oir
lo que el mensaje de la música les dice?
Pero eso es tan solo un sueño
y el mundo no es para los soñadores.

¿Puedes oir
como la música nos envuelve,
señalando el camino?
Entonces no tengas miedo
de escuchar lo que te dice.

L. Porter


Listen to:

Todos los temas, excepto el indicado, compuestos por Larry Porter.

Allan Praskin – saxo alto
Larry Porter – piano
Rocky Knauer – contrabajo
Aldo Caviglia – bateria

Grabado en Studi Albert Moraleda, Barcelona, el 31 de Julio de 1984
Ingeniero de sonido: A. Moraleda
Producido por Larry Porter
Diseño Portada: Silvia Valenti

CFE - Jazz Stop JS-139

Porter-Praskin Quartet in Murcia, Spain Porter-Praskin Quartet in Murcia, Spain



"Larry Porter, Allan Praskin & Co. - a quartet, which swung, lashed, enchanted and created an atmosphere, which brought a storm of enthusiasm from the audience."
-Jazz Podium

"Larry Porter always summons up, explosively and vehemently, his entire skill and improvisational virtuosity, tries out the astonishing and plays simply breathtaking."
-Süddeutsche Zeitung

"Praskin made clear how personal a musician's playing style can be. Sometimes in a whisper, then with a burst of air, he chased phrases through his horn, short themes flaring up like lightning, and blew with a fervor, which sets him apart from the rest of the field."
-Augsburger Allgemeine


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